Welch, House Democrats Highlight Challenges the Trump Agenda is Posing for Illinois Families

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Speaker Emanuel ‘Chris’ Welch is leading House Democrats in speaking out against the ways the Trump agenda is hurting communities across Illinois. Members are taking to the House floor every session day to discuss the ways Trump’s erratic leadership is hurting the economy, stripping care from families and veterans, and raising prices in red communities and blue communities alike.

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Andrea Garcia
Welch Convenes Working Groups to Lead on Reproductive Rights, Healthcare Access, Transit, Gun Safety, and Education Issues

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – House Speaker Emanuel ‘Chris’ Welch is empowering colleagues to lead important conversations on reproductive rights, gun safety, education, healthcare access, and other critical matters facing the state by announcing reconstituted and reconfigured House Democratic working groups for the new legislative session.

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Andrea Garcia
Speaker Welch, House Democrats United in Condemning Trump’s Executive Orders

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – House Speaker Emanuel ‘Chris’ Welch led his Democratic colleagues in condemning the cruel, destructive, and unlawful orders President Donald Trump has issued during his first weeks in office. Welch and his colleagues passed a series of formal resolutions aimed at calling out Trump’s extremism and committing to move Illinois in a fundamentally better direction.

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Andrea Garcia