Speaker Welch Appoints Working Groups Focused on Property Tax Relief, Pensions


SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Speaker Emanuel ‘Chris’ Welch is empowering two new working groups to lead House Democrats’ work on property tax relief and reform, and sustainability and economic security in state pensions. 

“The ability to own and home and plan for a secure retirement is fundamental to the economic wellbeing of every Illinois family, so our conversations regarding property tax relief and the state’s pension systems need to be focused on bringing people together,” Welch said. “House Democrats’ working groups have led our diverse Caucus through some of the most important conversations facing our state, so I believe this is a critical step in discussions of Tier II benefits and our property tax system. The members I am asking to lead these efforts represent different communities, bring different experiences, and have unique perspectives—but they share a commitment to helping families get ahead.”

The Property Tax Working Group will lead a comprehensive review of the property tax system and discuss smart proposals that can deliver relief for middle-class families while ensuring communities and school districts have the resources they need. The Pension Working Group will bring stakeholders together to discuss ways to provide competitive and sustainable retirement benefits for teachers, nurses, public safety workers and others who serve our communities.

The working groups will consist of:

Property Tax Working Group
Jehan Gordon-Booth, chair
Mary Beth Canty
Anthony DeLuca
Marti Deuter
Daniel Didech
Norma Hernandez
Tracy Katz Muhl
Suzanne Ness
Abdelnasser Rashid
Nabeela Syed
Curtis Tarver II

Pensions Working Group
Jay Hoffman, chair
Dagmara ‘Dee’ Avelar
Angelica Guerrero-Cuellar
Thaddeus Jones
Mike Kelly
Stephanie Kifowit
Justin Slaughter
Dave Vella
Janet Yang Rohr

Andrea Garcia